About us

Ardent Steel Limited (ASL) is the leading Pellet manufacturing company in India. ASL is incorporated under companies Act on 13th April 2007 which is a subsidiary company of Godawari Power & Ispat limited (GPIL),Raipur . GPIL has 75% share holding in ASL . GPIL is a HIRA group company.

ASL has set up a 0.6 MTPA Pelletization plant in Keonjhar of Odisha state, one of the most iron enriched regions of the world. This plant is the first of its kind ( Grate Kiln Technology ) in Orissa. The plant uses Hematite ore from the iron ore belt of Barbil, Dist Keonjhar. We plan to cater to both the domestic as well as the international markets. The current production of Pellets in India is approx. 15 million tons is mostly being used for captive consumption. We will be the 1st Merchant Plant which will be selling 100% of the product in the domestic and international markets.